
You know those days where it seems so long that it was like two days. Well, that's how I feel about today. I'm glad its almost over. The first "day" was great. I actually scraped myself out of bed to attend a ladies Bible study for several women from Claye. I really enjoyed it although it was quite fatiguing. I followed more or less all that was said and I even ventured, shaking in my boots, to pray again in French. I realized that I had set a standard for myself Saturday by trying to pray in French. Now I can't go back. I will forever have to keep trying. Today I kept it simple though and suceeded at communicating to God in French even though it wasn't so profound.

The second "day" tore me up. I've been frustrated by a grammer prof who persistently refuses to listen to us and answer our questions. Today, I got fed up and was ready to walk out. I wanted to cry but didn't until the second class in conversation. I really cried when I got home and unloaded in my Picasso french to Karen. I'm going to see what options I have for switching classes. If I choose to stay, I will bust a move on my own to understand the grammer of my own study so I can pass the exam at the end of the month and be promoted to a higher level grammer class. We discovered I don't get any vacation either until the end of May. I think there are 3 days that are national holidays. Those will help a little. Until then, its study study study. I'm getting tired and my eyes are dry. Its time to put this day to bed and pray for a better one tomorrow.

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