
"hang-10" or "washing machine"

Tomorrow I jump a TGV (fast train) for Bayonne. I'll be wisked off to a camp where I look forward to meeting some young french people. I am joining in at a Youth for Christ surf camp directed by friends Lorenzo and Marie-Alice Monge. I'll let you know if I truly achieve "hang-10" which I highly doubt since it will be my first experience paddling the great Basque coast. Pray for fearless investment on my part in the lives of those around me; that I will compassionately put others before myself.


Bonne nuit de l'Espagne Euskadi de Hendaye. A sunset from Hendaye looking in the direction of Euskadi in Spain.



So tomorrow I'm off to Spain for a day trip. We'll be crossing through basque country and back in one day on our way to Santander. I'm dropping off Tabitha and cousin Johanna to help in a camp for a week. We should get a few nice shots on our way home. Thanks for all the prayers and support.

voilà les jumeaux Paul et James. Lequel est lequel?

Here is Steve's eye just a few minutes after impact. Looked pretty scary. Don't worry Korea, I'm sending him back in one piece.

les feux d'artifices à Biarritz le 15 août.


House of Blues: Here is a friend Steve Heckman who slammed his head into the head of Paul yesterday and instantaneously grew a bump resembling the likes of Bart Simpson.


Welcome to the party in St Laurent de Gosse. These men play with mad cows. Here are the pro's saluting the crowd.

a view from the bar during the Fêtes de St Laurent de Gosse. I was invited to serve along with the young people. The party lasted 3 days (and nights) including La Course Landaise, kids games, concerts, and unfortunately, lots of drinking for the entire town. Interestingly enough, I was warmly welcomed and adopted into the little landaise/basque community.

La Course Landaise: an only slightly dangerous game where a few dudes taunt mad cows and then jump out of the way of their charging opponents... or just jump over them.

it was a close call but a magnificent move by this guy.. note the ambulance in the background who were on site the whole event just in case someone got seriously injured.


Sunset in Biarritz - my favorite time of day Posted by Hello

I watched a little paddleboarding at the Nokia Biarritz Surf Festival Posted by Hello

I took a glance over my sholders a few weeks back while in Ancizan in the Pyrénées Mountains Posted by Hello

Greetings from Jean-Yves and Pyrénée at Labenne Posted by Hello

The Sea

Full moon last night.
Sunday afternoon in humid 30°C weather with storm warnings.
Trip to the beach in des Landes.
Super steep beach and beach breaks in heights up to 2 meters with incoming tide.

I followed Tabitha into the water during a calm and we swam against the current rising and falling with the large swells. Then we decided to get out... I watched the one powerful wave pound the shore and started like mad for the water's edge. We had been pulled south toward the stronger more dangerous current. Before we could get our feet on the sand, I felt the pull and watched the 7th wave rise up behind me. Nearly screaming 'I can't move!' because of the pull, I knelt under the power of the salt wall as it crashed over me and swept me up the steep beach leaving my knees in red bloody speckles.

I hope you enjoyed your Sunday evening, contemplating the power of our Creator, but from a safer distance.