
new used car

we're very excited to have found our new used car today. I'll be driving around in it for work and trips to PDX and such. Its a '98 gold Camry- practically new with only 47K miles on it. I'll be looking for a nice car scent and probably an iPod with an iTrip to expand it's stereo equipment. My buddy says I could just slide a pound of markout under the seat for a great coffee scent. I'll use Verona if I do. But then again, I get a little tired of smelling coffee all day at work and will want a break once I escape the Bux.


our mountain

our mountain
Originally uploaded by spigs.

Mt Rainier gets a sun shower just before sunset. Zack is burning through some 8mm film that Grandpa gave him. I shot using Z's camera.

As life moves along, we still are hunting for a car for me. I'll work tomorrow at the Bux and will have a few days off starting midday the 1st to take a short trip to PDX.

Christmas was a nice time featuring a small gag gift from my dad to Grandmother: a rear-view mirror. Grandma apparently slipped and fell a few days back and when asked if she was alright, she replied that she didn't have eyes in the back of her head to see if she was really hurt... So we wrapped up a "rear-view mirror" for her... and she took the joke like a champion, even holding it behind her so she could see her "rear". I don't know, but it might have been the first time we ever dared to pull a stunt like that.


Merry Christmas

Originally uploaded by spigs.

The Spigers celebrated Christmas a little early this year. Here we all are, Happy included. You can get a feel for the farm and trees that we grow here.



3:55am- my alarm wakes up
0 dark 30- I drive to Starbucks and work til whenever
Whenever- I try to function for the rest of the day.