
Today. This day. I was tired in class. I needed lots of correcting. "seche, not sec." Oh, la...

My lips are dry and peeling and cracking and I think I have a cold sore but I don't know how it is called in French so as to even be able to demand the right product at the pharmacy. I'll have to ask tomorrow of someone who knows.

I have to do the shopping. The fridge is on the empty side, but I'm the type who will let it run down and just eat what I can scrounge up from the cupboards. I wanted to do the shopping tonight when I reentered, but, like I said, I was tired... and even with Rocky- I would only have had a few minutes before Tang Frere closed at 7:30.

I learned that when one speaks of the afternoon hours, one must say 17hours and 30 minutes, representing 5:30, but in familial senses one can say, yah, 5hours and a half. One can never say its 17hours and a half or quarter, or whatever... if you use train time, it must be legit from the teens to the minutes. soit dix-sept heures, trente; soit cinq heures et demi. Why these things amuse me, I don't know. But my grammar prof repremanded me for being "contente" to be learning the subjunctif. Apparently there are much more pleasant things in life to be "contente" over than learning subjunctif...

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