
What a relief it is to have a new grammaire prof. Francoise is a great lady, very patient- maybe too patient- and clear, sharing french culture and history with us along the way. It doesn't seem to be too difficult yet but I've only had 2 days of classes. My anticipation is that it will continue to push me into more and more complex sentence structureing and I think we'll start writing more and more. My only problem at this point in the stage of the game is that I'm completely tired. Its not so much my physical body that is tired from stairs or working out but my brain which after a certain point can't keep up with the speed of french life. Its ok. My brain is a muscle in that way and just needs "to get in shape".

There is crisp spring air out now. The wind will blow pretty decently and the grey clouds come in varying brightnesses because of the rising or setting sun.

It was nice knowing them but now they have to go. I purchased a cool pair of shoes in the states that are beginning to show signs of falling apart. I guess Paris was a little harder on them than I anticipated. Now I'm looking at kicking down some serious cash on some serious shoes. That's what a walking city does to you...

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