
It may sound dull and mundane but I did laundry all day. We started with 5 piles in the living room and I still have one shift to make but it will have to wait til tomorrow morning. I think I can agree with Jadwa on this one thing: I love the smell of laundry detergent. Here in France I buy the Ariel kind and next time I'll purchase the Alpine scent. There's nothing like it! Who ever would have thought that I'd be ordering a t-shirt like Jadwa's that says Laundry Team on it and the number 02 to indicate my position...Bright green!!

I haven't heard much on my little nephew. I am waiting for the latest news and praying for his healing and recovery from the trauma. I pray for my sister and her husband too. I can't imagine what they are going through. One minute things are fine, they expect a baby in several weeks, and they will be a family of 5, healthy and happy. Suddenly an emergency c-section and a little boy is born a tad early and needing life support. The hours they spend in the hospital unable to even hold him, hoping, praying. I am praying for God's grace on them and on little "Zippy" Jonathan Douglas. It is tough to be auntie and be so far away and unable to do anything but pray. I don't know how to process the whole situation either. I need more information...

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