
So much for a good sleep. I woke up before 6am this morning and am wired. I can't get back to sleep either. So I was thinking about yesterday and joining all the sniffing Parisians in the cold and I'm wondering: WHY? I know it looks so much better than all the yellow caution tape and painted curbs of the US, but in Paris, they don't give you warning about trippage. Tue when J and I entered the language school where I'll study my booty off in March, I didn't see the little step. Oh, it was only about 2 inches but that's definately enough to trip you when there is a shiny marble floor and mirrors on all sides of an entryway. I nearly fell but caught myself and purposed that in all my entrances and exits, that I will never trip there again. Maybe that's just the French way of doing things: you learn it once and for all and are forever civililized thereafter.

In thinking about my transition to living here, I can best describe my wonder in one word: Obsolete. All that was before is obsolete. My schedule, worship practice, places to be, work to do, appointments to make and keep. I find myself longing for some sort of skeleton to hang my day on. Right now my priorities are getting legal. The trip up with my carte de sejour is now in reparition and now its just a matter of time. I think I'll work on my comfort at home and plan the details of the exploration to the Pays Basque today. This means I will clean and make a quick trip to Disney to buy train tickets as well as stop for some essentials for the apt. (I will always remember my friend Chris Frank asking in an email, "why do they call them 'apartments'?" Well here, they are "appartements", said 'a-part-e-mon' with that french accent. Who knows- mines seems awfully "closer than apart" from the neighbors downstairs.)

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