
Last night was a late night again with the company. I really love having people over. I love it when J and K as if they can come up and watch a movie and I even loved sharing my computer's DVD player with them all. I like having people over. I still want to work on being a better hostess. The apt is a little unruly at the moment but I'm working at making it the place to invite people into. That is important to me. This morning Karen told me a secret about French culture: They won't ask to come over. I have to invite them. They want to come but won't ask unless they are a very close friend. I had the perfect opportunity to invite a friend over the other day and didn't realize that they wouldn't ask to come, just insinuate it. I totally missed out and was bummed and I'm sure they are sorta bummed but just waiting til I ask. Its so crazy! Why didn't I think of it sooner? Of course they're not going to impose on the crazy little american who just arrived and is trying to settle in. Sure they want to see me but they'll be patient until I'm ready. SHOOT! I should have invited.

I did invite someone who I know a little better yesterday and we will get together today around 4. I haven't seen Sophie for a while and I'm so excited to get together. She understands american culture better than other french so she may give me some hints too. I'm going to ask for hints. Even though my place is a "bazard" I'm excited that she's coming and even offering to help me with the cleaning. I'm going to shower and get to work preparing. I need a new kitchen garbage can and K suggested that I just go to the big shopping centre and walk around looking at what things are called and learning what's here and what's not. Maybe she and I will be able to do that. Or I might do it tomorrow.

Last night I reflected on the Sunday and churchy events I had witnessed as I read an email from my friend Diane in Portland. I began to miss the lovely (last heard- out-of-tune) baby grand on the stage at CB and the crowd of friends. I cried thinking about the teaching from Proverbs, Paul Anderson and the Anderclan- all 7 of them, Tim and his chin rub, and Gerald with that funny grin that gets on his face as he preaches. There is such a movement happening there with the guys as they seek God's leadership for the SNS. Dan breaking strings on the first song, pitching his guitar back to make John close out the song, Katie's pristine voice blending so well with Dan's, those moments when the team backs off and we hear the people worshipping... That's how I love to serve, seeing others brought face to face with His glory. I remember that morning of the 19th of January when I saw Jeanette at Sunday morning and we bounced with the excitement of the arrival of my Visa...then all the mornings we bent to our knees on the RUG at the Reynolds. RECKLESS UNHINDERED GOD-CHASING!! It continues- IT HAS TO!

Then there is skatechurch. All the evenings I drove into the parkinglot by the warehouse and beat my own hands into the puckered door that has received so many acostations by rollerblades, skateboards and even angry young men getting "the boot" for their attitudes. I can see Stephen burning the sins of the bladers on his wood cross, Ahmed landing on his head in the roll-in and getting up to try the doublefull again. John Golden clearing the coping between the bowl and mini-ramp. All the nights I leaned across the rickety makeshift table and asked for ID. Rides to and from Canada in the sweltering heat of August. Paul leaning up and lecturing me on learning to ride in cars and someday letting my husband do the driving. The massive collection of Tue night that I had to weazel through to get to the reg table in the basement. Watching Lance and Kendal work the handrail at the rest stop by the light of the van headlights. Late night approaches to the Intern House to ask to borrow "the ski" and then nearly dying on my way down 87th on it. Chris warned us, Beth... It was fun though! Riding my longboard up 87th and across MBC in the dark when the only person who recognized me was Peter Jenkins. Seeing Hayes and the Cat videoing on 102nd and stopping to say hi. Hayes' "oh so annoying" video- getting flicked. Watching the transformation of the Dept and being included in the family. I have CCCP, DEPT and PHARMACY sweatshirts with me...I wear them in the house so I don't offend anyone. Seeing for the first time over here, a skater and knowing their genre has a special spot in my heart. I know just where to go if I get lonely- there's a skate/surf shop at Chatelet.

With all those memories, I looked at the little church at Claye-Souille, its 30 people, maybe more, the piano with an octave that sticks- but I can play without, the simple, family feeling, the warm greetings, the children running around. There is a family of believers. My extended family. Central Bible's and my brothers and sisters. Everyone was so joyful to be there. People pitched in to make coffee, turn overheads and pray when called upon. This is a movement too. If felt kinda like an incubator for an evangelistic wave to hit the little town. I don't exactly know what my part will be but I'm looking forward to see what will happen in the weeks ahead. I will most likely put my music skills to work after a short time. The room was miniscule compared to the gigantic sanctuary at CB. It must measure 10ft by 15ft. It was packed too, and its vacation time! So they need another building. I felt a little on the outside but being taken in. It will take a little time for me to warm up and start to recognize people and them to recognize me and get to know me. Also with my language capabilities growing in time, it will become easier.

We went out to lunch at a decent french 'resto' and since I have such hard times deciding on stuff like food, I just ordered soupe and a salade. It was good although I would have heated to soupe up a bit more. I also drew the short end of the straw on quality. I didn't say anything cuz they would have been so embarrassed, or I was or something. Everything gets so wierd culturally when something like this happens.... I found a piece of plastic in my soupe and tucked it under my bowl without a word. I was actually disgusted but didn't know how a true frenchwoman would have responded so I tried to push it aside. Maybe she would have howled at the garcon... or muttered to her friends about the service or maybe said nothing. Since I don't know, I feel like I did the best I could at the time and I'll wait til I see what others do in such a situation before I react if such a situ should ever happen again.

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