
Another Valentines Day has been and gone. This time it was called Saint Valentin and I had a little valentine named Sammy who planted the most slobbery kiss ever given on my cheek. We rode a carosel in Fontainebleau and I finally found warm wintery coats on major sale. I bought one. Its black and fairly simple but long enough to keep my legs warm in this freezing weather we're having. Of course, now that I found it, the weather will shape up and turn super nice (I'll keep you posted). We tried to get in to see a castle but it was closing when we arrived so we only got to see the outside with its gorgeous staircases. Some day I'd like to shoot them.

I sucessfully made a trip to Disney train station to buy train tickets to Biarritz and back. They call this Aller-Retour, the go-recome. The gal was so sympa with me. She spoke only french with me and pushed my comprehension leaving me time to calculate what numbers she had actually said. I bought a card for young people and will get up to 50% off train travel! It looks like I'll need to change my return though cuz it arrives in Paris kinda late. So either I'll change it to earlier the 26th or make it a night trip and go directly up to CDG to meet Gerald, Jenni, Brooke, Steve and Chris.

Today I am especially having difficulty with transition. Some of it is attributable to my physical status. I'm not worried: This too shall pass....after about a week :-( I'm all homesick and just want my own space, heavy metal rock, my own food and noone to even mention home or memories connected there-to. It is helpful to know my friends will be here to visit. I'm a little frustrated though with not having some convenience that I'm used to in the states: the easy 'jump-in-the-car' trip to the store. For me, its 'bundle-up-walk-to-store-and-search-for-what-I-need-and-carry-it-all-home'.

I'm not the type to just sleep when stressed but right now it seems like the most viable option for getting through this week- I wouldn't have to feel the pain, think about home and when I awoke- it would all be behind me... Its upon this thought that I dive into getting through this week conscious. It will be behind me soon enough so mise well work the very best I can and pray that God will keep me. Soon school will start and I'll be doing homework again and busy with learning to speak, comprehend and write french.

My thoughts for today: 2 Cor 5:17-21- I'm an ambassador, pleading with these people to be reconciled to God.

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