
Well, I know some of you are just dying to know how the Friday Night the 31st Party went. It was great! We all worked overtime to make it come together and it did. We had marvelous food prepared by Audrey and Michelle, and a crazy decor that I work on all week. Around 25 people showed to dance the night away. It was quite a mix of people from my language class, Paris, and friends from out east. Check out Michelle's blog for a few photos. Becca won the M&M guessing game and took the whole lot of 637 home with her. Vanessa and Nico showed off their dance skills and I got a lesson in breakdancing. Now I just have to practice.

We are definatly going to wait awile to pull another one of those all nighters...yeah, I was up til 6am saying goodbye. But we all learned a little something about partying: 1. Watch out- the price climbs fast; 2. Set a time limit- say 3am; 3. The Limbo will always go over well.

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