
Thanks Jonathan for blogging even when you wanted to protect your eyes from the harmful screen rays. I'm snagging your link to Global360. There is just too much cool stuff there.

I didn't stare blankly at the page you should click on above. Instead I pondered where I have been in relation to where I am today. Less than 6 months ago I would never have stumbled onto a blog page or a site like YWAM's and followed links around like a child chasing spilled cheerios. Today I read through people's thoughts on missions, what it is like to be a Christian in their world, be it India, China, Austrailia, UK, or good ol' US of A. Why do I so desperately want to know what they are doing?

For some reason the world seems smaller from over here in Paris. Maybe I see more cultures represented on a daily basis. I'm in a constant struggle to learn to live in another culture, speak another language, and love the people like Jesus loves them. I'm deciding that even though this country has so few Christians, it is just like the US in that Christians exist, they want to love God and worship Him with all their being, and my job is to love them, stand by that flame, and testify to its beauty- praying for its growth and all the while knowing I'm weak, a "foot washer", and leaning on Christ for grace in all the mistakes I'm bound to make.

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