
on house church

Alan Creech seeks to answer the important question, "why we do church a different way."

I've had a hard time following my own ideas these past couple days. I've been hangin' around the House Church Blog lately. I am wondering where my path will take me. I know that when I think about seeing churches multiply- I want to be a part of it. I also can't seem to wrap my mind around how a movement of believers like this would look- I don't care what you want to call it: house churches, simple churches, home groups... I guess I've been "running around the track" too long.

1 comment:

I P said...

>>wrap my mind around how a movement of believers like this would look<<
I think a lot of what makes house/cell churches differenct is that they don't look a particular way. They're more fluid. Each different body of believers will be church in their own way. As soon as there are strict definitions if moves from church to program. That's my opinion anyway....