

I was greatly encouraged by the speaker at church yesterday. His exhortation to live a transformed community life only convinced me more fully of my desire to keep moving forward with the "full-time" project. I sometimes wonder how I got where I am today and where it is all taking me. (I think I've said that once before already...) So the task this week is prayer: prayer for the review of my application with CBI and for my plane ticket to arrive. We'll know more on Wednesday.

After a cool party for my roommate yesterday afternoon, the boyz helped us assemble my new bed. We have 4 in total to do but since my room was such a "bazard" I had to get it done. Fortunately Kash and Antoine are 'near' pros at putting together Ikea stuff. My bed came together but I sliced my finger on some metal pieces and needed minor first-aid. We wrapped it up and I'm back at life... paying special attention to not aggravate my fingers and hands where all the little cuts are found.

Oh, and the word is out all over France and the DOM-TOM about the Surfeur Bible Project. My desire is to see this thing come to life, unity of the brotherhood and new brothers and sisters as results.

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