
words from Garry Friesen, professor, friend and author of Decision Making and the Will of God:

I recently gave some marriage advice in my Bible class. By the way, none of my marriage advice has been contradicted by my experience. Since my marriage experience is minimal, actually nil, I usually end my comments with “but, what does a single guy know.” A lady from my Bible class e-mailed me and asked, Could you write down those points you gave at the end of class? We had just finished a discussion of husband/wife relations and specifically the submission of wives to husbands (complementarian view in contrast to the egalitarian view). “Ladies,” I said, “if you believe in the submission of wife to husband, I have three suggestions.”
(1) Don’t say yes to the proposal of a wimp. Trying to follow someone who is afraid to lead is impossible.
(2) Don’t marry a man who uses his leadership as a power trip rather than a chance to show sacrificial love. (Test him by finding out how he treats his sister and his mother).
(3) Don’t marry a man who is hooked by pornography. You will never be able to satisfy a man who is in the process of perverting his sexual desires.

But, then again,
what does a single guy know,


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