
Good morning Thursday. These last couple days have been devoted to organization for the coming year- kinda like spring cleaning. I've been cleaning too: Audrey let me re-pot her Christmas plants and I think they are going to make it. Besides their living presence in the house, they will be quite beautiful- adding necessary greens and maybe a pink or blue here and there. They tell me the sun will come out again, the cold will melt into warmth and the brown grass will turn green. I've started to look forward to Jonathan's tulips- they're coming!

organization also means reloading and updating all the email addresses that I have floating around after another year. This time I'm putting the LizToppy to use and organizing in it's sync'ed addressbook and mail features- We're gonna love it! But 600 addresses is an awful lot of people to keep track of.

This is also the week that I think and pray and write down goals and dreams for the now and future. I'll be turning the original work over a few times before its ready to share; but this blog is going to start telling a story of where I am going in life. Believe me...it will, eventually.

Like last year- this one starts with a bang! A trip to the Pays Basque. This trip's menu:
1. revisit Bayonne and it's surf with Gerald Griffin, Chris Probasco and Joe Brandi.
2. reencounter with Bernard and Evangeline Gaye and their house church network.
3. see Jean-Yves, Cecile and Pyrenee; witness JY's baptism!! He became a Christian last year when we visited!
4. talk to the Robinson's about involvement with their student exchange program.
5. take my new digital camera for a spin and let 'da boyz be boyz'- surfing is in the lineup! (3m waves yesterday.)

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