
Poste/Phone Panic

What does one do when La Poste doesn't deliver? One writes an email. What does one do when the email response says to call? Well that completely depends on the person. I am not as agile as most french people over the phone so I tend to fear, shake, pray, wipe the sweat from my palms as I dial the phone number for help.

I've been putting my faith into practice a little more than usual these past couple days. The story goes that in faith we bought a plane ticket for the States where I would undergo an interview for a life-time career. Left hanging in the balance by an undelivered ticket and the sudden knowledge of a lost piece of my application (which was found), I'm constantly sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what is next. It is not always easy to live in limbo. But by the Lord's strength and faith, I dare to move forward. I figure there must be some purpose for this crazy lesson in patience.

1 comment:

Evrard said...

C est difficile d'attendre comme cela!!! Je suis solidaire avec toi,mon amie!!!