
I've been dreaming about getting out of the big city. I grew up in the country with the cows, sheep, chickens and dogs. I now live in/near a large city. I like the big city- it is amazing; but everyonce in a while I starting looking for familiar nature scenes of the Pacific Northwest: crashing waves on the Oregon Coast, high speed winds that make the trees look like Dr. Seuss created them, my dad's tall Douglas Firs, green fields and winding roads that I know like the back of my hand.

My best bet is that these things can be found right here on continental Europe so I'm beginning to think about how I can go and find them this next year. They tell me Normandy is incredible, green and with much history, history that America left there 60 years ago. I have friends out in Brittany and I want to see Brest where it rains! Bordeaux wine country calls as do the spectacular castles of the Loire. Today I pray for the swells of the Basque Country. Billabong is trying to have a pro surf competition at Mundaka but they haven't had the waves they deemed worthy of a wealthy sum to ride.

For now, I have 8 weeks to work on my french and then I get to see those great Firs on the farm.

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