
So today was the grand day that I registered for my language classes. I got up and didn't hurry too much, arrived at the Sorbonne, found the line and stood in it. I didn't realize it, but it worked out nicely that I arrived just before 10h when the doors opened so I was one of the first 50 or so people in line. The rest of the time would have gone just as nicely but didn't. I was instructed to try out the new system which included a hike to one of the other buildings and when I got there, I was waiting patiently to pay with the very simple check method since they don't like "plastic" and the finance lady disappears with a "plastic" machine that has gone "en panne". Station 1 was a gal who checked over our info and prepared our student cards and station 2 was the finance lady. I sat with number 21 in my hand and watched station 1 call to 18 and 19, then 20. Suddenly there was a cufufel and both ladies began to pack up! It wasn't even lunch time! Follow us back down to the old system- this new one doesn't work.

I'm beginning to understand why it takes so long for things to change here in France, especially at the Sorbonne.

Back in the original building, I lost my "next in line" place and became one of many frustrated foreign students. I prayed that they wouldn't "claque" the door in my face as soon as I got to it. My watch arrived at noon and then 12h30. I made it through the process and have a student ID to show for it.

It looks like my schedule will be more afternoon evening classes. I can't figure it out here. So anyway, the adventure has re-begun and I'm feeling pretty good about it.

A guy stopped me at the corner of Blvd. St Michel and Rue des Ecoles. He wanted to know where the metro Cluny La Sorbonne was. I told him that it was right ahead of us and off he went. He was going to meet a friend.

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