
there's a first time for everything

I don't remember my first word, or my first step, but I do remember my first piano recital on that clanky piano at Elk Plain so many years ago with Wanda Fisher so proud of us students. My hands sweat so hard that I thought the piano would melt.

I had my first solo flight into Paris back in February. It was freezing cold and because the Russian president was in town they had closed half of the métro line I needed and so I ended up walking the Champs d'Elysées. Yesterday I experienced my first Fête de la Musique. I have been rehearsing with a group from Noisy Champs for over a month. We took to the stage and played our best renditions of Negro Spirituals. It was quite an experience and I did enjoy myself although I never thought of myself as a gospel accompanist. We took to the city after our little show and I joined thousands of Parisiens and tourists at République for a fantastic show of live music and people. There was a sea of people pouring out of the streets, from the main square, and the métros.

This morning I set out on my next first time adventure. Katie and I jumped in the bus to head for church, my first solo flight. I was able to sucessfully manoeuver the desiel manual transmission, 9 passanger van from our "hill" driveway and out the gate. We then discovered we needed to buy fuel. So I bought desiel for the first time here in France- no problem! We headed off and took the scenic route to church. This means that I missed our exit for one freeway and ended up on another where I had to pay a toll to get myself turned back around. The freeways in Paris run in circles and I've been all mixed up since arriving here but I think, after the solo flight today, I have it straightened out- at least in my head.

We were only 45 minutes late for the practice! It was Katie's first day to play at church with us. She did great.

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