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We haven't dropped off the face of the earth as some of you may be thinking, or maybe hoping. Instead, I'm just a slacker at writing in this blog. Jason and I make more of an effort at our new blog. I'm still picking away at photography and still love it. I'm working part-time as a corporate flight attendant and loving it too. Life's great.

I was reminded once again to not forget "to live (as the French do), laugh, and love during life". Yesterday was a solemn reminder of 5 years ago when Americans got angry at terrorism. The news kept insinuating that the general public isn't quite so upset anylonger. One interviewee who suffered severe burns in the Pentagon hit, testified to a new love for life after his close call. His wife said, "he doesn't take life so seriously anymore; he laughs and jokes around" (loose quote). I'm trying to wrap my mind around that one. Why would someone who has had such a close call and experienced the severity of life, loosen up? I think some of us would do just the opposite. Maybe he realized life should be filled with joys amidst the pain. Maybe we forget to let the most important things in life, be the most important things: family, vacations together, laughter, Jesus. Once it's over, it's over.



There are some things in life that you just can't get away from. I, for one, used to have a vicious habit of writing faithfully in this blog. Now, I don't take the time, because my time is eaten up by other things away from the computer, namely- doing dishes at nearly all ours of the day. Today I visited a few blogs just for "old times sake". The Griffin's blog took me back to Europe for a moment. Seeing San Sebastien Spain painted behind Gerald and Jenni spoke to me. The blue in the sky, the delicate bridge architecture and trees... it all took me back to the Basque Country where I've fallen in so many loves: in love with Jason, in love with a culture, in love with some families, in love with nature. And I miss it.

I visited Bethany's adventure. She's hopping around in the UK. She's probably one of the most faithful children of God I've met- faithful to her relationship with Christ and her friends.

All this to say, I remember. I haven't forgotten the passions placed in my heart for certain things: Christ and the incredible mission of the Cross; foreign lands, particularly France; nature; and music.



Originally uploaded by Mme Menke.