I work for Starbucks here in town and Jason works for Christian Surfers of Oregon. We are headed on our honeymoon very soon. We are going to test out the waters in Costa Rica for 10 days. I'll try to get some photos of the happy couple up as soon as I can. See ya,
Time Flies
Jason and I arrived home from Hawaii yesterday morning and we've been going like mad since. Yesterday seemed like the longest day. Sunday afternoon, a group of us from Oregon and Santa Cruz were basking in the sun at Pipeline on the North Shore. Then sun and waves melded into an agonizing red-eye to Portland where we took a nap, cleaned up, ran errands, had coffee with our pre-marriage counselor and ran off to the reunion.
CSUS Conference
I was showered yesterday by my friends and families in Portland. It was a sure blessing to see friends and be reacquainted with new ones. Thanks everybody who came, served, and gave!
CSO Open 2005
Honeymoon Fundraiser Photo
Honeymoon Fundraiser Photo
Originally uploaded by spigs.
Planning a wedding can be a challange. Jason and I took a minute last night to look over the cliff at the ocean as we waited and watched for a possible tsunami to hit the Oregon coast. A 7.4 quake off the CA coast at Eureka led to tsunami alerts all along the west coast.
I'm gearing up to sell my photography. Some of you will just steal it, but I'd love to matte it and mail it to you for a price- what's your bid on this first photo?
Jason's side of our story
My buddy Dave took the beating for my next opportunity to meet Liz. A couple UK surfers, an Aussie, Dave, and myself had a memorable surf session the next day. Needing to get back to the conference, we were changing into civilian attire swiftly. Dave was attempting to get water out of his head, but instead nailed the edge of the car door with the back corner of his head. Blood squirted out immediately and he was about to pass out! We wrapped a towel around his head and he recovered like a champ.
Once we arrived back at the conference, we were looking for the doc. Instead we found Liz, and since she was helping with administration of the conference, this was a good thing. Since Dave was looking fine, Liz and I began to chat. We found out we were both from the same neck of the woods, which was a bit strange since we were in France. We were just beginning to see how aligned our dreams were as well. And as they say, the rest is history! So thanks Dave!
Liz grew up on a farm SE of Tacoma, WA. She spent quite a bit of time in Portland, OR where she went to Multnomah Bible College. When I met her in France, she was a finishing up a missionary internship in Paris. Oh yeah, she speaks French fluently. Ending her internship early, Liz arrived back in the NW in October, and we began dating shortly thereafter. It quickly became obvious that she was the one. If I was given the opportunity to pick out my future wife, I would have ended up with Liz. She's everything I ever dreamed of.
Be sure to download our journal of a recent trip to France at my website.
It looks like we're going to be having a small wedding ceremony on the beach in Oregon, August 25th. Then we'll party with all our friends!
back in the saddle
inf mono
One funny story came about on my second day as I worked the front bar. A man and his son came through the lineup and I recognized the father from somewhere but couldn't place him. As I handed him his drink I asked where he was from. "Seattle." Oh, "I'm from Puyallup." NO!!! Then I realized it was one of our regulars up at 176th! We chatted about my transfer and how the store was changed up there since the recent transfer of several partners. Small world.
Heading back to Portland for the weekend, Jason and I decided that I should see a doctor for my sore throat and fatigue. So Sunday morning we spent 4 hours waiting around at the urgent care. After a throat culture and blood test (I was a brave girl and didn't faint), and more waiting, the doctor came in and said I had mono. I've been condemned to the bed and couch for a week.
I must say this was probably the most frustrating news I could have received at this time. I am adapting to a new place, new store, and planning a wedding. You have got to be kidding!!! So Jason brought me home to his parents house with a paper from the dr saying "acute tonsillitis/ inf mono".
the pack
I said "yes"
Now, I'm busy again with Starbucks, emailing, and dress shopping. I'll try to keep everyone up to speed but don't be surprised if the emails start coming from Jason and I, or if you start hearing a ton about Christian Surfers with whom Jason and I hope to serve.
the news
All our gifts arrived safely as well as Jason's boards and we slept pretty well, until 6:15am. Its now 10:15am and I'm ready for dinner... well, dinner in France. I'm going to try to hold out til lunch at noon.
Tomorrow I crash back into reality: Grandé nonfat, no-foam, latté!! Triple-venti sugar-free vanilla brevé light-foam latté!!
I also have more plans. I'll be packing up and looking for an apartment in Lincoln City Oregon. Starbucks is transfering me to be closer to the ocean and Jason. Isn't that nice?
The flat Atlantic changed its face and brought in some nice swell today. By sunset the waves were clean and fun, ensuring a few nice rides for Jason on this, our first whole day in Biarritz. We went and saw Guéthary working and Jason finally suited up at Lafiténia. We'll try to get a photo up soon.
Ciao for now.
packing up
in the Bijou
in the Bijou
Originally uploaded by spigs.
this last weekend has been hectic as Walking on Water and Christian Surfers of Oregon premiered Noah's Arc. It received a warm welcome all over the coast and in Portland.
long day
My day started at 3:50am.
I left the house at 4:15am.
I arrived at work at 4:25am.
I started work at 4:30am and left work at 3:15pm.
A long day feels even longer when your pores are absorbing cafeine and sugar the duration of 10 hours. Not only will you thoroughly smell like a Starbucks retail location, but you will feel slightly high and extremely exhausted by the intake.
I have about a week more before I get a break. I'm excited to be headed once again for the Oregon coast where Walking on Water will be premiering its new film Noah's Arc from Lincoln City to Cannon Beach, and Seaside to Portland. Noah Snyder's testimoney is beautifully portrayed in this excellent piece of artwork.
Originally uploaded by spigs.
Yesterday GMA packed its 12th container. This was the sunrise as we loaded up to drive down to the warehouse. It took us a mere 4 hours to load 40' of container with medical supplies and equipment which we ship off to help small communities in Africa. Of course, we spent weeks sorting, inventorying and boxing everything that will be sent.
Mac vs PC
I just spent way too many hours trying to get a PC to work with me on the project I'd been asked to do. PCs are not your friend. This particular one likes to clunk at you, telling you what mistake you've made and that the administrator can help. In most cases the administrator scratches their head as well. Let's just say, I'm so in love with my mac. It's about 2 years old now and is missing a couple little footies which lets it rock back and forth. And its harddrive is close to maxed out but I boosted it with a nice little external harddrive. It syncs up nearly everything in it for ease in email, contacts, reminders and more. I surf internet without wire and like it alot. Its been through the crazy hiccups in life like the upgrade that fixed its eggfrying capabilities (no joke, the L wrist area would heat to well beyond comfortable). But I tell you, I love the mac. I have my eye on the newest stuff by mac including the macmini and the dizzying powermac G5 dual-processor (water cooled and all). Get used to it, PC world: the little Apple has always led the way.
Phil and Ayako
Phil and Ayako
Originally uploaded by spigs.
this is one of my fav photos of a couple friends who were married a few months back. May you grow in the grace of God!
sky and sea
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
3 Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and He called the darkness "night." Evening came, and then morning: the first day.
sky and sea
Originally uploaded by spigs.
6 Then God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters, separating water from water." 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above the expanse. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse "sky." Evening came, and then morning: the second day.
9 Then God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry land "earth," and He called the gathering of the water "seas." And God saw that it was good.