new used car
our mountain
our mountain
Originally uploaded by spigs.
Mt Rainier gets a sun shower just before sunset. Zack is burning through some 8mm film that Grandpa gave him. I shot using Z's camera.
As life moves along, we still are hunting for a car for me. I'll work tomorrow at the Bux and will have a few days off starting midday the 1st to take a short trip to PDX.
Christmas was a nice time featuring a small gag gift from my dad to Grandmother: a rear-view mirror. Grandma apparently slipped and fell a few days back and when asked if she was alright, she replied that she didn't have eyes in the back of her head to see if she was really hurt... So we wrapped up a "rear-view mirror" for her... and she took the joke like a champion, even holding it behind her so she could see her "rear". I don't know, but it might have been the first time we ever dared to pull a stunt like that.
Merry Christmas
0 dark 30- I drive to Starbucks and work til whenever
Whenever- I try to function for the rest of the day.
I just got the David Crowder's "Lime CD" and am takin' it for a spin. I think I'll get miles out of this one! I'm hearing for the first time "I Need You" the way it was written. I was pretty darn close but need to bring my guitar skills up so I can transfer it from the piano to the guitar. Ciao.
csi memory
Dorte 'n i
Originally uploaded by spigs.
Thanks to Laurent who posted all his photos (you'll need the word 'laurent') from the CSI conference in Hossegor France. Check out the Aussi kangaroo that came all the way to France! This trophy was to be awarded to the Rubgy Champion- I never heard if the Northern or Southern Hemisphere won.
I'm going to keep working part-time as admin assistant because it's a creative outlet for me, but the Bucks will give me the benefits any normal person wants and needs. Now I just need a car.
Currently there is a fly beating its dopey head around on my walls and ceiling. Things are about to get gnarly.
-powerful creator
-complete love and justice
-insane grace
-ultimate peace
-intimate salvation
here at home home
moving from one room to another can take a real long time.
c'etait chouette, le coup de fil de Brigitte.
will we ever find a car?
how do you comfort a boy whose father just died tragically?
they are rebuilding her home
Originally uploaded by lspiger.
girl who's home was destroyed in a devastating earthquake.
the news
lance le !
So the hustle of meeting people and trips to Bilbao and all over town has begun. The waves come and go. They expect a nice swell Sunday which could produce waves of 3 meters. They are beautiful to look at but powerful and out of my level for swimming or surfing. I'll take my camera out here soon and catch a photo of the break against the dig... you gotta see it!!
My time here in Biarritz is passing way to quickly. I have really grown fond of hearing the ocean not far from the house, the gorgeous sunsets and sunrises, the varying weather, walking into the beautiful town, meeting people and chatting. Tonight I had dinner with Juliette in a pizzeria downtown. We chatted it was such a great time for me. I wish I could hang out longer with the youth around this town. Who knows... ?
hullo mudder, hullo fadder...here i am at...
I'm tired.
I cry.
I sleep.
I eat (or ate mussels today which I don't really like because of their funny texture).
I pray.
I pray.
and pray.
...and pick the surfing scab on my knee wishing I could surf as well as the guys I saw tearing up the waves today.
"hang-10" or "washing machine"

a view from the bar during the Fêtes de St Laurent de Gosse. I was invited to serve along with the young people. The party lasted 3 days (and nights) including La Course Landaise, kids games, concerts, and unfortunately, lots of drinking for the entire town. Interestingly enough, I was warmly welcomed and adopted into the little landaise/basque community.
The Sea
Sunday afternoon in humid 30°C weather with storm warnings.
Trip to the beach in des Landes.
Super steep beach and beach breaks in heights up to 2 meters with incoming tide.
I followed Tabitha into the water during a calm and we swam against the current rising and falling with the large swells. Then we decided to get out... I watched the one powerful wave pound the shore and started like mad for the water's edge. We had been pulled south toward the stronger more dangerous current. Before we could get our feet on the sand, I felt the pull and watched the 7th wave rise up behind me. Nearly screaming 'I can't move!' because of the pull, I knelt under the power of the salt wall as it crashed over me and swept me up the steep beach leaving my knees in red bloody speckles.
I hope you enjoyed your Sunday evening, contemplating the power of our Creator, but from a safer distance.
Cinderella and Prayer
I also cleaned and scrubbed a bit; a last ditch effort to ready the house for the return of the family tomorrow and their guests this week. I took some time out today to read the story of Cinderella in French. Yes, even young adult women still dream.
I took three of the children to see their grandparents in the Pyrenee mountains. Mountain roads in a 9 passenger van are quite a ride. We enjoyed the time of hiking around seeing the sights and eating good food for 3 days. bummer I don't have my camera with me to post a few shots. We returned to Bayonne on Thursday to welcome Bernard and Evangeline home from their vacation. Now I'm back at cleaning and cooking and trying to find time to straighten out the Surfer Bible and Conference in Hossegor. Thanks for your prayers.
no i'm not dead
i'm taking care of a few children while the parents are 'getting away' to celebrate their 20 years of marriage. this weekend a few extra gals are over hanging out to learn about God together. Tomorrow i will share about who we are in Christ in a short devotional.
I took Tabitha (# 2 of 7 children) to the dentist in Biarritz. We took the 9 passenger van, parked downtown and hung out on the beach to eat our sandwiches. Imagine- 2 young gals in a huge van downtown 'tourismville' who get lost trying to get out of town.
In the past 6 days, I have driven 4 different vehicles: the camionette/van, a small car with no brakes (repaired the day after), a tiny car that i bombed around in the pays basque to take the boys to get their shots, and a Mercedes which we cruised up to Seignosse (near Hossegor) in.
Hope your vacation is going well.
Jonathan est super gentil.
Je pars pour Montparnasse.
Mon TGV est le 8515.
Il soleil est brillant.
Je laisse notre appartement en ordre.
J'ai fait ma valise pour 3 mois.
Ma guitar est prête... mes doigts- non.
Les étudiants Basques Espagnols partent pour Seattle/Portland/Suzanneville/Redwood City.
Je vais sur la Côte Basque.
the south
We snuck out the door for a few minutes with our glasses to a bar around the corner to watch the final minutes of France vs. Greece. My heart sunk as I watched the time run out on them down 0-1. Don't worry les Bleus, je vous aime quand même.
So now I have about 3 days to get packed and cleaned up and ready to catch my train for the south. Time is flying and I have quite a bit of work to do. Its good to be a little busy though, it keeps things moving forward.
PFR sings
til there's nothing left of me
pour me out,
so that some day I might see
i want to lose myself in finding You
embracing grace and facing truth
tear down these walls that dim the shape i'm in
pour me out,
from my river to Your sea
pour me out,
let me ride on waves of peace
i want to understand this greater plan
how character can shape a man
Your image surrounding me, pray that will be
brain pain and an unsafe God
Almost 3 weeks ago, I asked Michael Moynagh (author of Changing World, Changing Church) how can the emerging church in all its facets and forms effectively multiply? I keep hearing that it can be done with non-Christian people obviously led by a small team of solid believers. I'm wearying of seeing churches grow and develop at the sake of other's decline. Comfy Christianity seekers. I don't know how much of this goes on in France where the believers are few and the churches are quite small but I imagine it happens. I know of 1 church in Paris that was started exclusively with a group of non believers meeting regularly in a home to discuss faith. Today this home church is still vibrant after 10 years.
I think I'll ask a few people some questions, find out history, correct my preconceived ideas and see if I can relieve the brain pain I have over this topic.
Anyone out there know the name of the home group church movement in Germany - they are 700 and counting.
I'm swimming in all this all the while reading a book by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis called The Sacred Romance. Somewhere all this comfort christianity conflict is tied up in my mind as I wrestle with a Wildly Dangerous Romantic God and desire for the security I know in Him. Lucy asks the Beavers in CS Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, if he, Alsan, is safe. "'Course he's not safe! But he's good."
a week ago he walked
under the sun
dans le sunspace
the shoe decision
Tomorrow my little bro slips on the robe and mortar board. We'll be partying all afternoon.
home home
So far, I'm feeling great to be home, taking extra vitamins and trying to figure out if the weather will be nice or not. Currently, mild temperatures with partial clouds and slight humidity.
voyage et massage
Voilà : il faut que je fasse ma valise. Bonne fête Maman !!
slowly slowly.... supersonique!
This summer is going to be important for me : learning what I desire, what God desires, what I want in life and what I love. It will be challenging and I am asking for reinforced prayer as I learn to deal effectively with different stressful situations. Michelle tells me that God is going to do some amazing stuff this summer in me and for me.
So far, the ride into the unknown has already taken some crazy turns and I'm planning on cinching up the seatbelt and hanging on for dear life! Its like getting on the Indiana Jones rollercoaster here in Paris. You may not be prepared to go upside-down until the sholderpads come crashing down on your sholders. And then you're in for another surprise when it takes off backwards.
a new day, a new view
I talked to God as I went- told him all about what life looks like from my view down here. He reminded me of the many ways I could respond to the 'hiccups' in life and I talked to him about it: life, culture, love, and living for him. I then pleaded with him to hold me upright and calm. I even bargained with him to let me carry his load- which is light and easy- while He carries mine which, to me, seems heavy and awkward.
Next monday I plan to make a short trip to Seattle to see family and talk with a few friends. Then this summer I will venture into the southwest of France to work with kids. I don't know quite where this grand adventure will take me, but God has promised that his ways are higher than mine, his dreams out-do any dream I could ever have, and his plan is more exceptional than I could ever organize.
construire ensemble
Poste/Phone Panic
I've been putting my faith into practice a little more than usual these past couple days. The story goes that in faith we bought a plane ticket for the States where I would undergo an interview for a life-time career. Left hanging in the balance by an undelivered ticket and the sudden knowledge of a lost piece of my application (which was found), I'm constantly sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what is next. It is not always easy to live in limbo. But by the Lord's strength and faith, I dare to move forward. I figure there must be some purpose for this crazy lesson in patience.
La Poste
The weekend retreat went fine. I took some nice photos to remember it by as well. You can see one here. We sang and laughed, ate together and danced! I even got 'multicultural' hair. 2 hours and 4 hands later, and I'm covered in little braids!
a little prayer
Me and the Poste
"Danses?" "Oui"
more on the unknown
After a cool party for my roommate yesterday afternoon, the boyz helped us assemble my new bed. We have 4 in total to do but since my room was such a "bazard" I had to get it done. Fortunately Kash and Antoine are 'near' pros at putting together Ikea stuff. My bed came together but I sliced my finger on some metal pieces and needed minor first-aid. We wrapped it up and I'm back at life... paying special attention to not aggravate my fingers and hands where all the little cuts are found.
Oh, and the word is out all over France and the DOM-TOM about the Surfeur Bible Project. My desire is to see this thing come to life, unity of the brotherhood and new brothers and sisters as results.
Par Terre
on house church
I've had a hard time following my own ideas these past couple days. I've been hangin' around the House Church Blog lately. I am wondering where my path will take me. I know that when I think about seeing churches multiply- I want to be a part of it. I also can't seem to wrap my mind around how a movement of believers like this would look- I don't care what you want to call it: house churches, simple churches, home groups... I guess I've been "running around the track" too long.
itchin' to Lindy
ice cream outside auschwitz
"Même en français?"
"Bah- ouais!!"
Je trouve interessant que je ne comprends que 60% de ce qu'ils disent parce qu'ils parlent tous en même temps, et rapidement! Je pense qu'eux, ils parlent beaucoup plus que moi mais peut-être qu'ils ne parlent pas sauf quand je suis là...
Peut-être que c'est vrai : je parle beaucoup- mais s'ils savaient combien de pensées me passent par la tête....
I'm committed to never compromising my passion for Christ.
I promise myself to keep dreaming big.
I will keep working hard to learn to laugh at myself and be curious about life.
now if I only could get this blog a little more interesting...
The French Bible Society welcomed us and listened to the project, flipped through the english version I brought to them, thumbed through official documents and asked questions. Then they started brainstorming- farther than I imagined. Christian is putting out calls to all french speaking Bible Societies and multiple missions who might add to the order of this "bible". Now we wait... for their decision and estimate for the project.
I keep dreaming big for the future. I decided that I want two labradors: a black one and a white. We'll name 'em "Tank" and "Toffee". And we'll have a big enough piece of land so that they will be content outside. Maybe I'll give English lessons in the town where I live and work part-time in a café. Or help organize big events and host people traveling through and do photography. Of course I would be located in 'near paradise' with mountains towering nearby but a 5 minute walk from the crashing surf of Southwest France. You are invited- bring your boards, I'll have a garage where you can sharpen and wax. I'll even make you cookies!
You can check out the photos from the live Easter concert by Les Passagers. They will soon be available on the OIKOS blog as well.
Its friday. I need to burn a quicktime video of the Lagny Youth. I want to mail in my papers to CBI. I have to practice the piano for Sunday. I should practice the guitar. A meeting is set up with La Société Biblique Française for next Friday. I wish I could upgrade this blog so as to include photos.
Its been two weeks that I've pecked away at my life story and my life beliefs. Slowly they are coming together and stored conveniently on my hard drive. With the contemplation that it takes to piece together one's history, comes another weight brought on by the grand questions of life. What am I doing? How will it end? Have I taken a wrong turn?
Each night I lay to rest these questions and confidently ask only for the strength for tomorrow. Why I offer up who and what I am: Grace to the broken. ...way more valuable than my life...
two years ago i was located in portland oregon usa.
today i live in a paris suburb.
two years ago i worked at starbucks on 45th and glisan street.
today i work with cbi.
two years ago i drove a '95 toyota camry that i called little genie.
today i don't have a car.
two years ago i did my shopping at fred meyer on 102nd and glisan.
today i bought my groceries at tang frere in lognes france.
two years ago i got my exercise by going swing/lindy hop dancing at the viscount on burnside and 6thish.
today i went for a vigorous morning walk around the town to exercise.
how my life has changed... and yeah, it was all one thought.
I recently gave some marriage advice in my Bible class. By the way, none of my marriage advice has been contradicted by my experience. Since my marriage experience is minimal, actually nil, I usually end my comments with “but, what does a single guy know.” A lady from my Bible class e-mailed me and asked, Could you write down those points you gave at the end of class? We had just finished a discussion of husband/wife relations and specifically the submission of wives to husbands (complementarian view in contrast to the egalitarian view). “Ladies,” I said, “if you believe in the submission of wife to husband, I have three suggestions.”
(1) Don’t say yes to the proposal of a wimp. Trying to follow someone who is afraid to lead is impossible.
(2) Don’t marry a man who uses his leadership as a power trip rather than a chance to show sacrificial love. (Test him by finding out how he treats his sister and his mother).
(3) Don’t marry a man who is hooked by pornography. You will never be able to satisfy a man who is in the process of perverting his sexual desires.
But, then again,
what does a single guy know,
All my youth, my loving parents sent me off to school with the typical american lunch: PBnJ sandwich, juice box, piece of fruit, and couple cookies. It was the staple on which I survived as a student, an athlete and musician. For the last week, it has become my comfort food and lunch. PBnJ on toasted bread, piece of fruit, juice and whatever little sweet thing I can find.
I just completed my first working draft of a biographical sketch. This too has been an adventure down memory lane. As I reread my story, my childhood and history of my walk with God, it is with some pain and then joy that I contemplate where I've been. The story could be much longer than 5 typed pages but the application for which it is destined says no more than 6.
And then, I watched this Jesus take on the sin of the world. He healed while being arrested, He was silent when accused, He sacrificed his power when tortured, and He triumphed when he died. I wept the whole film and the girl next to me sobbed the whole time. I can still hear her. My heart weeps as I remember the weight of my sin that fell upon Him. What a scandal, this cross- that an pure and holy God receive the just punishment deserved of men.
This morning I had a phone call confirming my summer desire. I'll be taking off for Basque Country in late June. The purpose is to explore the mission field, meet people, participate in the current ministries and a September surf outreach, and get wet. Its about time I learned to surf...
...keep watching for more info...
The fearless Gideon team headed out for a second round of street interviews and gift delivery in the town of Chelles France. What is Easter all about? We get a variety of responses: chocolate, the kids, family, long weekends; bells in Rome, 'something catholic' or is it Jesus? Easter is the day we remember Jesus' victory over death. We will live again: One for all, once and for all! Better decide before its too late.
...your ways are high/ too high for me... Martin Smith
I was asked "why?" the other day by a young woman. Why these horrible things? Why these deaths, wars, diseases...? All I can say is I wish I had an answer. God is just too huge for me to understand. And so instead I ask for compassion, Lord!
Well, they aren't exactly italian but they are my friends who came passing through Paris this weekend and they came in from Italy. It was wonderful to visit with Fae and Debbie, Kimi and Jenny... Thanks for your warm presence here in Paris- you lifted my spirits, like the sun always does.
I will never forget the organ playing randomly as we sat in St Eustache today. Sun rays flooded the stained glass of the gothic cathedral and I set my face toward the glow capturing the moving light with my camera. The majesty, reverance and beauty- reminds me of my God.
Today, I have compiled some photos from Barcelona. My brother and I dared to venture into the terrorized country just after the March 11 bombings for a little skating. I'm not a skater but moreso a photographer, and filmer in this case. It took us about 2 days and 10 falafels to meet some guys who then joined us for another couple falafels. German, Spanish, Canadian, Irish, American- thanks kyle reynolds, for the pharmacy sweatshirt- the NYC guys know PDX and the DEPT. Joey, Thomas and guys- hope we meet again some day!
1 pound Brie
2 Tbsp. minced, fresh parsley
2Tbsp. freshly grated parmesan
4 sun-dried tomatoes in oil (drain, reserving 1 Tbsp. oil, mince)
6 cloves garlic, minced and mashed to a paste
4 leaves fresh basil (or 1 Tsp. dried, crumbled)
Remove rind from Brie with a sharp knife. Place Brie on a serving plate. In a small bowl, combine parlsley, parmesan, tomatoes, garlic and basil. Add reserved oil and combine well. Spread mixture over Brie and let stand at room temperature one hour before serving. Serve with French bread or crackers.
Thanks Anne, it was a hit!
taptaptap, I have about 100 emails needing response and Monday is my day to write them.
Gearing up for a little more pain this year, I decided to enhance the experience by purchasing a new Fender guitar. This baby is making people smile. The quality of sound surpasses what a debutante like me should be strumming. My musicianship goal is to be singing a worship song or two by summer. Kinda steep, but I count on a small hour per day to callous those digits and train agility.
Exhausted from a full day, I sit down and recognize the dirt I've accumulated throughout the day: my ears have endured foul language, my feet have walked dog-trodden cobbles; my hair has grown straw-like in the dense air of a cafe, and my faces itches from the smoke of my neighbor's cigarette. Its been a tremendously profitable day.
Exhausted from the old life without Jesus, I sat down to realize that dirt in my life was killing me: my mouth poured vulgarities, my feet darted around in anger and looking for love, my hair became part of my mask, and I wore the smoke of my condemnation upon my clothes and skin. And then I met Jesus who listened to my words, walked my paths, breathed this earthly air and exchanged his perfect eternal life for my rightful damnation. This is the most effective day of my existence.
From here out I move forward desiring to become more like this amazing personification of Grace, godly and pure. I live here on earth among millions of souls just like me and I will remember the dirt that has been washed away. And I will go out into these peoples to live an ever brightening life among them because of Jesus.
Pray for France:
60 million souls
green- Gabe in Chicago is donning it again; Starbucks at Metro: Pyramides, 126 Ave Opera
sing- elise; elise and lise for lagny
lagny- beware of 806 in pedestrian cross walks
walks- from lognes to noisiel to gournay
from short to long- emails
print- surfer=surfeur
uncertainty and love
Took a stroll through a cemetery today. I guess it blew my mind: so many people have lived and died, and all that is left if stone. Sepulchers with broken stained glass windows remember the years past, and rusted metal doors tell of the beauty that once was. Certain trees have lifted ancient stones and tipped crooked the crosses. Flowers are either fresh cut, wilting, or dead- only the plastic ones have somewhat survived.
I shuffled around wondering what people really believe about their lives and what they anticipate from the end. For as much Catholic tradition that is painted across this landscape, one might find it surprising that just outside the gate, death feeds an industry; I can pick my stone, choose my carving artist and pay for the flowers.
They tell me somewhere snuggled in among the history lies several famous people like Jim Morrison... I only saw Oscar Wilde's monument kissed in a myriad of lip shades.
create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide
So maybe I haven't seen that many countries- I can't wait to see the others.
The Pays Basque or Basque Country of France and Spain has been layed on the hearts of multiple people in the last few years. The number is Followers of Jesus are few and far between but interest in a relationship with Jesus is increasing.
A year ago, I made a debut trip into the region, starting in San Sebastien Spain. We toured by car the northern coast came face to face with the beauty of God's creation, cliffs and world-class surf waves from Bilbao to Mundaka. We met people who would become our friends for life and were invited into homes that any other stranger would never have entered.
6 of us then made our way up into Biarritz and Bayonne of France to encounter God at work through a family hard at work in house church planting and a lone surfer who just wanted to show us his surf spots. This rendez-vous turned into the launching pad for a new believer and an open door into a whole network of local surfers from Hossegor to Hendaye.
Today, I am reflecting upon a return trip to the French Basque country. I returned to Paris Wednesday night from a long weekend spent with Bernard and his family in Bayonne. The trip featured the voyage of three mission-minded men: Gerald, Chris and Joe and their surf boards; the second encouter with Jean-Yves and his family, waves, and Christian Surfers International.
"What's going on," you ask? There is a growing movement in house church planting in the region, more spiritual interest than ever before, the Surfer Bible on the verge of translation into French, the preparation for an evangelistic outreach into the surf community in late September and a new team of reinforcements dedicated to the region is developing for which missionaries and believers in this area have been praying for years.
This team looks like it will be coming from several corners of the earth. Just today- an email from a family in Australia-- Christian Surfers holding their annual conference in the region will target these waters and beaches soon-- a boardsports missionary in Paris fields calls and project propositions for which he does not have enough time-- a french pastor and his Basque wife watch from Marseille-- an exchange student program hosting Basque students in Christian homes dives into another season of recruiting-- and young men and women in America are mailing applications to a mission agency while CS guys translate testimonies into French surfer lingo.
Meanwhile back in Lognes France, I'm clicking away at a very long blog. I think I'll let this turn in your head for a while and then I'll let you in on what I'm thinking... and maybe sign up for photos so I can give you a visual!
organization also means reloading and updating all the email addresses that I have floating around after another year. This time I'm putting the LizToppy to use and organizing in it's sync'ed addressbook and mail features- We're gonna love it! But 600 addresses is an awful lot of people to keep track of.
This is also the week that I think and pray and write down goals and dreams for the now and future. I'll be turning the original work over a few times before its ready to share; but this blog is going to start telling a story of where I am going in life. Believe me...it will, eventually.
Like last year- this one starts with a bang! A trip to the Pays Basque. This trip's menu:
1. revisit Bayonne and it's surf with Gerald Griffin, Chris Probasco and Joe Brandi.
2. reencounter with Bernard and Evangeline Gaye and their house church network.
3. see Jean-Yves, Cecile and Pyrenee; witness JY's baptism!! He became a Christian last year when we visited!
4. talk to the Robinson's about involvement with their student exchange program.
5. take my new digital camera for a spin and let 'da boyz be boyz'- surfing is in the lineup! (3m waves yesterday.)
With a trip home fresh in my memory, I can't say how wonderful it was to see family and friends. I missed out on a second trip to Portland because of the gnarly snow storm but I did get to see a few people early on. There was absolutly no way that I could have seen everyone even though I wanted to. Certainly there is a list of precious faces that I had wanted and intended to see: Jeanette- I never got my massage, the Cabes, Timmy, Celeste..
Well, I'm trying to stay up as late as I possibly can, and after a nap this afternoon I am doing pretty well... I do have a ton of laundry and cleaning and organizing to do over the next week before I trip it to the Pays Basque.